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Around the House

Have you ever thought about potential poisons that could be in your home? Everyday items around the house can cause problems for adults and children alike. So often, a misplaced cleaner or a look-alike item can lead to a poison exposure. Many of the calls that we receive at the Missouri Poison Center are not only due to the accidental ingestion of common household products, but also from inhalation accidents like breathing in fumes or toxins splashed on the skin or eyes. Rest assured that the Missouri Poison Center is here twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to help answer questions and direct you to the proper treatment. From a small child swallowing a colorful detergent to mishaps with common cleaners in an adult, we are here to help. Luckily, many of these exposures can be treated quickly and easily at home with a call to 1-800-222-1222. We put together online resources to teach you about the most common household items that lead to calls to our center. Remember, if you are concerned about an exposure to a potentially dangerous household item or just have a question, call the Missouri Poison Center for fast, confidential, and free expert advice.

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Humans have used candles for hundreds of years. Today, we use them for celebrations, ceremonies, and in our homes. But are there risks? Are candles bad for you? Find out!

Explore Common Poisons

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Around The House


Illustration of a book

Around The House

Prevention For All Ages

Prevention For All Ages

Seasonal Tips

Seasonal Tips

Take The Missouri Poison Center With You

Emergencies don’t wait for you, so you shouldn’t have to wait to call for help. Get the Missouri Poison Center app with poison information and a link to the Poison Help Line. It is just a click away during the most stressful moments. Our registered nurses and pharmacists are here 24/7/365 days a year to help guide you through poison exposures and overdose emergencies.

Don’t wait. Download now.

Graphic illustration of the MPC app on an iPhone home screen
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