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Acid Reducers

Low Risk

Also known as:

Aciphex® (Rabeprazole) Pepcid AC® (Famotidine) Prevacid® (Lansoprazole) Prilosec OTC® (Omeprazole) Protonix® (Pantoprazole) Tagamet® (Cietidine)

acid reducer pills
Possible Symptoms
  • Dry mouth
  • Minor stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
What to Do
  1. Wipe or rinse out the mouth.
  2. Give a serving size of water to drink.
  3. Call 1-800-222-1222 for additional instructions.

Additional Information

Quick Facts about acid reducers:

A common call to the Missouri Poison Center is: What are the side effects of acid reducer medications?

Acid reducers are common in many homes since they help relieve symptoms of heartburn, GERD (acid reflux), and ulcers by reducing the amount of acid made in the stomach. There are many different over-the-counter medications available such as Tagamet® (cimetidine), Pepcid AC® (famotidine), Prilosec OTC® (omeprazole), and Prevacid® (lansoprazole). There are also medications available with a prescription such as Protonix® (pantoprazole) and Aciphex® (rabeprazole). The various kinds of acid reducers work slightly differently in the body, but they have a similar end result of decreasing stomach acid.

Sometimes we get calls about children getting into the medication and ingesting an unknown number of pills, but we also get calls from adults after taking a double dose of the medication by mistake. Fortunately, these medications cause only minor side effects such as a dry mouth, upset stomach with possible nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, or a headache. Most often, accidental exposures can be handled at home with no need to seek immediate medical care.

What To Do

If you find your child has ingested an acid reducer, or if an adult has made a medication error, do not panic. For a child, take the medicine away from them, wipe out the mouth with a soft, wet cloth and give them some water to drink. With any exposure to acid reducers, it is always best to call the Missouri Poison Center right away at 1-800-222-1222 for expert advice. The poison center is open all day, every day for poisoning emergencies and questions.

**Note: Don’t forget, every case is different. To make sure you are getting the best information for your individual situation, click below to call or chat. It is fast, free, and confidential.

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