3rd – 4th Grade Lesson Plans
Older children are building independence and problem solving skills in their daily lives, but this learning is still growing. These lessons are designed to teach growing students about poisons in their home, look-alike poisons, and how to stay safe from possible poisons.
Poisons in the Home
Many students do not think that they have poisonous items at home. This lesson will teach students what types of things are poisonous, and how to keep themselves and others safe. Read More
Beware of Look-Alikes
Can your students tell the difference between a safe or a possible poisonous substance? This lesson will teach students how to identify poison look-alikes and how to avoid them. Read More
Read That Label
Labels on medications and household products can have confusing directions. This lesson teaches students keywords to look for on labels and how to use these products safely. Read More
Order FREE poison prevention materials.
These resources are great for any space, such as the classroom, childcare centers, churches, and after-school clubs.