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Oleander and Oleandrin: Not a Safe Plant or Supplement

Oleander is a large tropical bush or small tree with purple, pink, or white flowers. It may be used as an ornamental patio plant in Missouri gardens but grows naturally along highways in the Southern United States and in Hawaii. Although oleander is decorative and pretty, all parts of the plant, including the flowers, leaves, nectar and sap contain a dangerous poison.
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Tags: covid-19 plants

Winter Plant Safety

The garden may not be producing, but that doesn’t mean all plants are gone. Here are some tips for common plants and berries around the house this season. A variety of winter plants can pose a risk to children. Most…

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Tags: plants Seasonal

What Is this Berry?

Most berries aren’t anything to worry about, but a few can be a problem. Symptoms vary based on the plant involved, and most often, children do not ingest enough to cause serious symptoms. However, if someone has ingested a berry from a plant outside, play it safe and call the Missouri Poison Center for help! If you have a child who has ingested a berry or part of a plant, wash their hands, wipe out their mouth, and give them something to drink.
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Tags: plants

“Leaves of three? Let it be.”

Poison ivy and poison oak are widespread across Missouri, but poison ivy is more common than poison oak in most areas across the state. You can find it in almost every city and county in Missouri. Read these helpful tips about poison ivy in case you come across it this summer!
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Tags: plants

Mushroom Hunting Safety

Wild mushroom hunting is a popular hobby. Mushroom identification is tricky. Toxic and nontoxic mushrooms can grow side by side, and many mushrooms that can make you sick look just like edible mushrooms. Our best advice is to NEVER pick and eat wild mushrooms unless they’ve been identified by an expert.
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