Lesson Objective:
Students will use evidence from multiple sources to learn about the harmful health effects of vaping on teens. Students will understand that vaping is dangerous and can be difficult to quit, especially for teens.Students Should Learn To:
- Gather, analyze, and select relevant evidence about a topic.
- Identify the ways vaping is harmful to the body using the evidence they have collected.
- Reflect on the evidence they have gathered and clearly explain what makes vaping so harmful to teens.
- Understand that in situations involving vaping, students can contact the Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for free, confidential help.
Teacher Preparation:
Before the lesson, collect images of vape products, large sheets of paper to hang around the room, and sticky notes. Access to computers and internet is needed for this activity. You may also print copies of the handout which is linked below.Key Terms:
Vaping, E-Cigarettes, Juul
Vaping Lesson
Teacher Narrative:
In this lesson, we are going to discuss vaping and e-cigarettes. You will be using resources to determine their safety and potential risks.
A. Introduction
Introduce the concept of vaping and show students images of vape products. Next, explain to students you are about to read them a series of statements. For each statement, they should write True or False on a sheet of paper.
Read these statements aloud:
- E-cigarettes are not harmful to your health.
- Most e-cigarettes or vape products like Juul or other vape pens only contain water and flavoring.
- As long as an e-cigarette doesn’t contain nicotine, it’s completely safe.
- A Juul pod contains as much nicotine as a whole pack of cigarettes.
- Teens who vape are more likely to start smoking cigarettes.
- Teens are more likely to become dependent on the nicotine in cigarettes than adults are.
Once students are finished answering True or False to each statement, have them set this sheet of paper aside. They will look at it again at the end of the lesson.
B. Small Group Activity
Next, separate the class into small groups. Distribute the informational text “The Health Impacts of E-Cigarettes” to the groups and direct them to take turns reading each paragraph aloud while other members record key facts. Link to handout.
Send groups online to explore the topic further, jotting down important details to add to their notes.
Note: These sites are current as of 2020 and come from reputable sites such as Missouri Poison Center, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and CDC. Teachers may wish to review these sites before the lesson to find the most relevant, up-to-date information.
Sites to explore:
- Missouri Poison Center:
- American Association of Poison Control Centers:
- National Institute on Drug Abuse:
- Centers for Disease Control:
While students are working, write the True/False statements from the introduction on large pieces of paper and hang them around the room.
C. Sticky Note Activity
Students should close computers and review the notes they have taken. Next, instruct each group to choose one piece of evidence they think is most relevant to support or disprove each statement and write it on a sticky note. Have them add their sticky notes to the large sheets of paper around the room — one for each statement. Once the groups are finished, take some time as a class to discuss each statement and the students’ findings.
Optional Video
Watch ‘For Teachers: My Vaping Mistake, Mental Health‘ Here
D. Reflection
As a review, have students pick up their True/False answers from the beginning of the lesson. Read statements 1-6 again, and have students revise their answers. Then, ask students to reflect on the activity and what they learned. On the same sheet of paper they used for True/False statements, have them write responses to the following questions (each response should be 3-5 sentences):
- What makes vaping especially harmful for teens?
- If friends asked you to vape with them, what could you say to them?
Further information about this lesson can be found here: