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Wart Remover

Low Risk

Also known as:

Compound W® salicylic acid Wart Remover Dr. Scholl’s® Wart Remover

Possible Symptoms
  • Minor mouth irritation
  • Vomiting
  • Eye irritation
  • Minor Upset Stomach
What to Do
  1. Wipe or rinse out the mouth.
  2. Give a serving size of water to drink.
  3. Rinse any exposed skin with lukewarm water and soap.
  4. Call 1-800-222-1222 for additional instructions.
If Exposed to Eyes
  1. Start rinsing eye(s) with lukewarm water.
  2. Call the Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for further recommendations.


This information does not include products which “freeze” warts away. Call the Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 is used.

Additional Information

Quick Facts about wart removers:

Warts are small, rough growths of hardened skin and are actually caused by a virus. They are a cosmetic blemish and can be a nuisance but typically are not painful and pose no particular health risk.

Most of the over-the-counter wart removers have salicylic acid as the active ingredient.  This medication is available without a prescription and works by peeling the hardened skin away in layers and promotes the body’s natural immune system to respond to the virus.  Taking a taste of the medicine may result in minimal symptoms such as minor irritation to the mouth.  If someone takes a gulp or swallow of the medicine, further symptoms can include mouth and throat irritation, stomach upset with possible nausea, and vomiting.

If you find your child tasting a wart remover medication, do not panic.  Take it away from them, wipe out the mouth with a soft, wet cloth and give them some water to drink.  If problems start or you have questions, call the Missouri Poison Center right away at 1-800-222-1222.  The poison center is open all day, every day for poisoning emergencies and questions.

IMPORTANT: If someone has ingested wart remover to harm themselves, it can result in serious symptoms which are the same as overdosing on aspirin.  If an intentional overdose has occurred, emergent medical care is required.

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