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Low Risk

Also known as:

golden spice

Possible Symptoms
  • Minor upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Yellow coloring to stool
What to Do
  1. Wipe or rinse out the mouth.
  2. Give a serving size of water to drink.
  3. Call 1-800-222-1222 for additional instructions.


Always let your doctor know about any over-the-counter medicines and supplements you are taking since they may interact with your prescribed medications.  Turmeric supplements can slow the blood’s ability to clot which could cause extra bleeding with surgery or lead to an interaction with anticoagulants, NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and aspirin), and clopidogrel (Plavix®).  Turmeric may also interfere with the absorption of iron and can worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Additional Information

Quick Facts about tumeric:

Turmeric is a common spice made from the turmeric plant native to Southeast Asia. It is most commonly known as the yellow-orange spice found in curry powder. Turmeric has been promoted as a natural remedy to treat allergies, respiratory infections, digestive disorders, and as an anti-inflammatory, just to name a few.  As with all supplements, turmeric has not been FDA approved for these conditions.

Turmeric capsules and tablets are often large and difficult for a child to swallow whole without chewing on the capsule first. The supplement does not taste good, so this usually limits the amount eaten by the child.  If the child does swallow some turmeric, only minor stomach upset is expected. It can also cause a rash or heartburn and some individuals have an allergy to turmeric.

If you find your child with a turmeric supplement, do not panic.  Take the supplement away from them, wipe out the mouth with a soft, wet cloth and give them some water to drink.  If problems start or you have questions, call the Missouri Poison Center right away at 1-800-222-1222. The poison center is open all day, every day for poisoning emergencies and questions.

REMEMBER: Always let your doctor know about any over-the-counter medicines and supplements you are taking since they may interact with your prescribed medications.  Turmeric supplements can slow the blood’s ability to clot which could cause extra bleeding with surgery or lead to an interaction with anticoagulants, NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and aspirin), and clopidogrel (Plavix®).  Turmeric may also interfere with the absorption of iron and can worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflex disease (GERD).

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