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Y-98 Talks Poison!

Fall Poison Safety

Y-98 Talks Poison

Every 8 seconds someone is in need of a poison center…Could you be next? The Missouri Poison Center is your premier resource for treatment and prevention of poisoning or overdose. Almost anything can be poisonous if used in the wrong way, the wrong amount, or by the wrong person.

Poisonings and overdoses can range from medications and household products to mushrooms, plants or bites and stings. Incidents can happen to anyone and poison centers are for everyone as the call is free and completely confidential. The fall season brings wild mushrooms and colorful berries on plants that may look edible to children but are NOT safe to consume. Eating berries can cause an upset stomach and vomiting, while even small amounts of mushrooms can cause nausea & vomiting, in rare cases even severe kidney and liver damage. If poisoning occurs the FIRST number to call is Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222.

A specially trained nurse, pharmacist or toxicologist will answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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