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Airborne® Products

Low Risk

Possible Symptoms
  • Minor stomach irritation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
What to Do
  1. Wipe or rinse out the mouth.
  2. Give a serving size of water to drink.
  3. Call 1-800-222-1222 for additional instructions.

Additional Information

Quick Facts about Airborne® Products:

Airborne® products were invented by a school teacher to help prevent the common cold and to improve the immune system. It was initially offered as a fizzy tablet to dissolve in water for drinking, but now it is available as a powder, liquid shots, gummies, and chewable tablets as well. The product contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs and is marketed to help support your immune system. As a supplement these claims are not FDA approved and the ingredients are not required to be laboratory tested. Because these products are sweet, children may eat large quantities if not found and stopped right away. Sometimes, adults take more than advised trying to prevent getting ill.

While it is never advised to eat Airborne® like candy or take more than advised on the label, a one-time, accidental, larger-than-normal dose is typically well tolerated with limited symptoms. Some of the ingredients can be irritating to the stomach, causing stomach upset with possible nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, medical experts recommend caution with overuse of Vitamin C. A one-time large dose is removed by the kidneys with little to no symptoms, but if large doses are taken daily over a period of time, it can build up and lead to problems, especially for those with kidney disease.

If you have taken more than recommended or if you find your child eating an Airborne® product, do not panic. Stop taking the product, or if it is a child, take it away from them, wipe out the mouth with a soft, wet cloth and give them some water to drink. If problems start or you have questions, call the Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222. The poison center is open all day, every day for poisoning emergencies and questions.

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